We are in touch with several senior and top executives in the corporate. What is heartening to know is that each one has a deep desire to move out and do something worth while. BUT the feel is I CANT becauseeeeeee....
I have some serous questions to ask all these execs.. does your 10- 20% hike Y
oY make you happy??.. if we draw a line chart of cumulative income and a line graph of expenses it clearly shows that the expenses line has a steeper gradient, call it the inflation, or call it the increased personal responsibilities or increased aspirations the money is always short.And then you have the credit cards, the loans that you have lines up to fill the gap.
This is a serious trap executives fall into. To get of the trap either have a phenomenal growth or just step out get in to become an entrepreneur who create value. The mid career crisis is so grave that people have moved job, take up education or just stepped out to take up something on their own. Some succeeded and some failed miserably have landed into a worst situation than before..
We at Dheya are working with several executives caught into a midcareer crisis and are helping them get out of the same with scientifically developed processes.
Here's an interesting article i read about excuses senior executives give when they are unhappy and facing a mid career crisis and are unable to breakthrough...
Read on...
If you’re unhappy at work, I’m sure that the thought “Man, I really should quit!” crosses your mind occasionally. So why don’t you?
Even if you long desperately to quit, to get away from your horrible workplace, annoying co-workers or abusive managers, you may hesitate to actually do anything about it, because right on the heels of that impulse come a lot of other thoughts that hold you back from quitting.
Each of these excuses may sound to you like the voice of sanity, offering perfectly good reasons why it is in fact better to stay and endure that bad job just a little longer, but look a little closer, and they don’t really hold up. What they do instead is keep you trapped in a job that is slowly but surely wearing you down. Here are 10 of the most common bad excuses for staying in a bad job.
1 “Things might get better”
2 “My boss is such a jerk but if I quit now, he wins.”
3 “I’m not a quitter.”
4 “I’ll never get another job”
5 “If I quit I’ll lose my salary, status, company car, the recognition of my peers, etc.”
6 “Everywhere else is just as bad”
7 “I’ve invested so much in this job already”
8 “I’ll lose my health insurance.”
9 “My job pays very well”
10 “Quitting will look bad on my CV” Many of us would be much happier at work if we quit bad jobs sooner.
Source: http://positivesharing.com/
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