Career Counselling ???? What ??

>> Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Every institute you walk in today there are counsellors, in the garb of counselling they sell the program to you, have you ever heard NIIT or the aptechs or the seed infotech’s of the world telling the student that he doesn't have the aptitude for IT so he shouldn’t take up this course. NO. Rather they would develop the aptitude(something that's vague).

While i was working with the Piramal’s I also had a mid-career crisis syndrome catching up on me, so decided to visit a very wellcareerx known career counsellor in South Mumbai. The guy was young and smart, he suggested me to take up an MBA abroad ( he was running a special batch for working students for GMAT), indirectly he was selling it to me, after TWO sittings i paid him Rs.7000/- to understand that I need Rs.60 Lakhs to get an MBA from a foreign univ.

Now this was the great career counsellor at Mumbai, I happened to see some of the so called career counselling/ career guidance processes in Pune for youngsters, again the same, in the name of career its education these people were pointing to.

People have mis-understood career with job or career with education or career with occupation or career with just doing a course. I need to explain.

Career is a term defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as an individual's "course or progress through life (or a distinct portion of life)". It is usually considered to pertain to remunerative work (and sometimes also formal education).The etymology of the term is somewhat ironic in that it comes from the Latin word carrera, which means race (as in "rat race," a pejorative implying the opposite of a useful career).A career is mostly seen as a course of successive situations that make up a person's occupation.

This was then but later the definition has changed and here is the new definition that's published on wiktionary :

  • One's calling in life; a person's occupation.
  • An individual’s work and life roles over their lifespan.
  • A jouster's path during a joust
  • Do people understand this or the greats in career counselling understand this. The career counsellor focus on pointing the education the person needs to take up than creating the path that makes him or builds him into a successful individual.

    So then what is a career?.. The definition goes like this: A career is the total of our work activities—at home, at work, our education and in our extra curricular activities. A career also includes the time we spend learning new things. Even if you don’t think you have a career, you do! And you don’t have to be in certain occupations to have a career. Anyone who has spent time working at anything has a career. For example Sachin Tendulkar, he has build his entire career around cricket, looking back every activity was focussed on a career of cricket.

    And what is an occupation? : An occupation is a group of similar jobs for which people usually have to develop skills and knowledge. An occupation is a specific category of work. A person can have several different jobs within an occupation. They can adapt their knowledge and skills to a variety of positions. Examples of occupations include the following: electrician, engineer and teacher.

    What is a job?: A job is the position a person holds doing specific duties. For example, an occupation is Customer Services . The job is rresolving customer issues at the Vodafone Telecom Gallery . People usually change jobs more often than they change occupations.

    What is Education?:Education can be defined as the art or process of imparting skill and knowledge. Education can be either formal or informal. The success of education lies in harnessing the latent potential of an individual. Informal education happens subconsciously when the values and behaviour of an individual is shaped due to constant interaction with his environment. Formal education on the other hand, is a deliberate effort by a person to learn the skills and techniques considered important for a particular job or activity.

    And now what's career counselling : Career Counselling and career coaching are similar in nature to traditional counselling (Kim, Li, Lian, 2002). However, the focus is generally on issues such as career exploration, career change, personal career development and other career related issues (Swanson, 1995). Typically when people come for career counseling they know exactly what they want to get out of the process, but are unsure about how it will work (Galassi, Crace, Martin, James, and Wallace, 1992).

    Career counseling advisors assess people's interests, personality, values and skills, and also help them explore career options and research graduate and professional schools. Career counseling provides one-on-one or group professional assistance in exploration and decision making tasks related to choosing a major/occupation, transitioning into the world of work or further professional training. The field is vast and includes career placement, career planning, learning strategies and student development.

    So next time you walk into a career counsellors office.. check for your self if knows the basics??


    WAKE UP CALL FOR INDIAN BUSINESS SCHOOLS : The Buck Stops (and Starts) at Business School..extracts from HBR June O9.

    >> Wednesday, June 24, 2009

    career1 Before it happens to India, lets work with the business schools to help them add value to the society…

    “Unless America’s business schools make radical changes, society will become convinced that MBAs work to serve only their own selfish interests.” by Joel M. Podolny, HBR June 09

    This is just not true about the are some more extracts..

    • “Many people is US believe that management education has contributed to the systemic failure of leadership that led to the current financial crisis.” In India have a look at subiksha, Educomp under the scanner for financial irregularities, Satyam, and many more… ALL MBAs
    • “That may be so because, one, a focus on values-based leadership and ethics has not been central
      to management education. And,two, even when B schools teach leadership, they foster the belief that CEOs should focus on the big picture – not the practical details”…How true for Indian MBA. Rather in some schools dolling out degrees and collecting packs of money is key to the big campuses and big ad campaigns and very less value delivered.
    • “Business schools can regain society’s trust by emphasizing values as much as they do analytics and
      by encouraging students to adopt a holistic approach to business problems. As professional schools, they
      must stop competing for students only by advertising rankings – a practice that reinforces the idea that
      their only goal is to teach students how to make a lot of money.” Our Indian business schools also need to learn from this.
    • The time has also come for business schools to develop codes of conduct for MBAs and to withdraw
      the degrees of those who break the manager’s code.



    UGC, AICTE likely to be it the end of licence raj in education???

    Yashpal committee report is out. Hope Kapil Sibal keeps his WORD of implementing it in 100 days starting TODAY 24th June 2009.Key regulatory agencies in higher education, including the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), will be shut down if the final recommendations of a high-Picture5powered committee are accepted by the government.

    Instead, the committee, headed by former UGC chairman Yash Pal, has suggested that these bodies can be replaced with a single National Commission for Higher Education and Research, which will be empowered with statutory powers. In recent interactions, the heads of UGC and AICTE have opposed the closure of their institutions, asking instead for reforms to improve their functioning.

    Set up at the initiative of prime minister Manmohan Singh, the committee also recommended the closure of the National Council for Teacher's Education (NCTE) and the National Accreditation and Assessment council (NAAC). It is scheduled to meet on June 22 in Delhi to finalise its report and decide on a date for its submission to the government.

    The committee said the proposed National Commission for Higher Education and Research should be headed by a chairman and include seven other members.

    Appointments to the commission will be made by a three-member panel comprising the prime minister, the leader of the opposition and the chief justice of the Supreme Court.

    The committee has also recommended curtailing the powers of bodies like the Bar Council of India, the Medical Council of India, the Architecture Council and the Dental Education Council. It has recommended that the academic duties of these bodies be transferred to various universities.



    >> Sunday, June 7, 2009

    Launched the career success workshop on 1st June 2009, 38 students participated. The workshop covered the career assessment and career planning sessions, self esteem enhancement sessions, goal setting and achievement orientation session..


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    The workshop is designed by us to make a long term positive impact. While career assessment gives us a psychological profile of the student, the career planning process helps him set a direction towards his or her career goals.Using scientific and tested methods we helped Students plan their careers. No slide shows, no presentations only experiential sessions. Unique techniques with a scientific base to equip the students with success skills.

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    The Victory Session



    Contact Us

    Dheya Youth Initiatives
    587/5 b Vivekananda Society
    Sinhagad Road
    Pune - 411030
    +91 9923400555


    About Dheya

    "The Goal", that’s what Dheya means in Sanskrit. Dheya is an organisation primarily focussed on working with the youth of India. Dheya, with its unique and indigenously developed tools and techniques, helps the youth of India to plan and build a successful career. In addition, Dheya works with the youth to equip them with skills and abilities to succeed in life.

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